
        You were enjoying a well deserved vacation on the Alberta Islands when you received a distress call from your home province. Goblins have apparently been raiding the towns and cities around Eddison Province. These goblins aren't ordinary though. They have grown much, much stronger. Some of them have even learned how to cast spells, and shoot proficiently with arrows. The goblins have made some serious victory moves as well thanks to their new found abilities. They have taken over the town of Paterson, and left the town of Kepton in ruins. The problem is serious. You decide it's time to end your vacation and return home to try to end the goblin problem. You decide to hire some Empire soldiers to help guard your valuables and home from goblin raids while you were gone. Some citizens of the province even came to your house for shelter. The problem is getting worse and worse. It looks like you have your work cut out for you.

Difficulty: Medium-High
: PG

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