This scenario is really bad. Yes, it is. It is even worse than Goblin Attacks. It's Monty Haul, as it has overpowered items. The plot is completely non-existent. It's basically just one big hack and slash in one small dungeon. Please don't waste your time playing this scenario. Try my newer ones, like The Icy Tunnels or Dark Side of the Moon.
Two evil dragons have been harassing people around Concord Province. Your job is to stop them. Pure and simple. See I told you the scenario is lame. I'm not even going to bother writing a short introductory story because there is none to this scenario!
Rating: G
Difficulty: Very High
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for my site, Exile Stories, Blades of Exile scenarios, or would like me to link to your site, please contact me at: smgamer240 (at) hotmail.com