
    Deep within a remote part of Exile, things were going just fine. That is, until suddenly the temperatures took a sudden extreme drop. The Exile caverns began to get colder and colder. Some people couldn't take it and immediately fled to warmer caverns. Others stayed in the icy caverns and the cold took its toll on them. People began developing cases of frostbite and hypothermia, that seem to get worse as the temperatures drop more and more. Several people have died as a result of the cold. Creatures that thrive in cold conditions became appearing in increasing numbers. A state of emergency was declared around these caverns. Then you came in. You were called into these frozen caverns in order to try to find out what may be responsible for the sudden sharp drop in temperature. You hear that there is a local Slith problem in the area as well. You wonder if they could be responsible. Who knows? It's up to you to end the plague of cold that these caverns have been cursed with.

: High
: PG

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